
My Antarctica blog!

The McMurdo Wastewater Treatment Plant

The McMurdo Wastewater Treatment Plant

Sweet, sweet humidity.

Sea Ice Safety

Sea Ice Safety

Hands-on training, just outside town.

Condition Two

Condition Two

Moderately unpleasant weather.

SMS Multifactor Authentication in Antarctica

SMS Multifactor Authentication in Antarctica

Issues pertaining to SMS (for multifactor auth) in Antarctica.

Observation Hill

Observation Hill

Windy and scenic.

Laundry at the End of the World

Laundry at the End of the World

It's pretty much what you'd expect.

Onboarding Timeline

Onboarding Timeline

A timeline of the major administrative steps in my USAP onboarding.

McMurdo at Night

McMurdo at Night

Cold, dark, and beautiful.

Hut Point

Hut Point

McMurdo's shortest hike.